The all-in-one nature of the package makes the Intex Seahawk 4 an ideal package for first time boat owners. You’ll have everything you need to get out on the water straight away.
It’s a rather unique inflatable boat in so far as it’s just as popular with recreational users as it is with experienced anglers and fishermen.
What’s included in the package? An inflatable 4 man dinghy, aluminium oars, Intex Double Quick II high output pump, and repair patch included as standard, while anglers will love the integrated rod holders and spacious pouch.

The Seahawk 4 is one of the most prominent boats designed and manufactured by the Intex Recreation Corp, who have more than 40 years experience in the inflatables sector. Believe it or not, the very first product offered by Intex was a basic beach ball, and the company have built upon this initial design to produce a wide range of inflatables including pools, spas, and now boats, including the Seahawk 4 which is the largest of the Seahawk range, accommodating 4 people and boasting a weight limit of 880 lbs.
Why Buy the Intex Seahawk 4 Inflatable Boat Set?
If you’ve already heard good things about another of Intex’s inflatable boats, the Excursion (which comes in a 3, 4, or 5 person capacity), then you’re sure to love the Seahawk 4 too. The Seahawk 4 by Intex is made from the same 30 gauge vinyl as the Excursion boats which offers a high level of resistance against punctures, and is more rigid than stretchy. This makes the boat incredibly stable and sturdy when it’s out on the water, and reduces the risk of sagging or folding in the centre when weight-bearing.
The inflatable seat cushions – which simply slide into place with no need to mount them – are made from a slightly lower gauge material which makes them more flexible, more stretchy, and much more comfortable, especially on long trips. The boat is also very quick to get water ready, inflating in just 5-6 minutes. However, while the outer sections are equipped with Boston valves, the inner sections are not which means that these sections may take a little bit longer to fully deflate at the end of the day.
Any Problems?
One of the biggest concerns with the Intex Seahawk 4 inflatable boat set is the oars. The oars that are included as part of the set measure 48 inches, which some users may feel is too short for their needs.
This is easily overcome because the oars can be replaced with longer versions with no problems. Given the cheap price of this inflatable it’s well worth investing in some nice oars. It’s also possible to attach a motor mount and a trolling motor so you can troll around the lake, boost your speed, reach a wider area and fishing hotspots easily, and improve your overall catch count.
Intex have designed the Transom motor mount which is compatible with the Seahawk 4, as well as with the Seahawk 2, Seahawk 3, Challenger 3, Excursion 3, Excursion 4, Excursion 5, and all Mariner boats. The Transom mount is easily fitted to the back of the inflatable dingy, and can be used with any compatible 1.5 hp trolling motor. Intex also supply a trolling motor that fits their Transom mount and is suitable for both freshwater and seawater use. The Intex 12 V trolling motor offers up to 40 lbs of thrust.
Is the Intex Seahawk 4 Right for Your Needs?
This model is ideal for recreational use as it comfortably accommodates 4 people for a leisurely lake excursion. It’s also a good choice for amateur anglers and first time fishermen who find that fishing from banks or shores is a little too restrictive and want more freedom to reach those hotspots and explore a greater area. Coming in an under $300, you can’t go wrong with this low cost, durable, lightweight inflatable dinghy by Intex. It’s versatile, very comfortable, and a great little boat.